Oh yes, forgot to mention. So, Christians & every human being on Earth. You cannot pick & choose as to what to believe, and what not to believe out of the Holy Bible. As a Christian, you have to believe in the Holy Bible & its entirety.

Austin Heeney
1 min readNov 6, 2022


there are no exceptions to that.

if the truth hurts, then it hurts.

playing ::. biome

34 Horses & 78 Men

on the other side of the battlefield, will there be any whites of daye eyes? yes? no?

what does Matthew 6:22–23 say?

what does america say otherwise? yes, yes.

america, please wake up. please wake up.

i am nothing. i am a sinner.

my dad wrote in one of my first Holy Bibles, in the foreword beginning blank notes section, and not on the verses or writings; he said Austin, I pray you write these words on your heart. I will dad. I will take great care of the Holy Bible. Love you.

