what does Mark 6:4–6 say?
1 min readNov 18, 2022
what does Matthew 10:40–42 say?
praising You Lord Jesus Christ in the Heavens tonight, for i am a sinner. i am nothing. Amen.
Jesus Christ is the True Prophet.
i fear You my Lord Jesus Christ, i am nothing.
i am a sinner, look :.
with a gray scarf, & blue hood. think.
34 Horses, 78 Men.
unwanting severe & excruciating emotional and physical pain is a wonderful blessing. for what is pleasure, without pain? i would like to experience both, in the purest form. for there is no reason to complain about any sort of pain from the body or mind. for if i weep for hours on end, i will still look up to the Heavens with Peace, Joy, & Love. again, unwanting pain is very, very beautiful. i worship my Lord Jesus Christ, for i am a sinner.